Whether business owners are acquiring a new company or selling their own, the goal is to walk away from the table in the best position possible after the sale. Many factors are considered when negotiating a sale. Taxes can have a major impact on the economics of a transaction and should not be considered after the fact. Every deal is unique and we provide advice and strategies designed to achieve the best possible outcome.


For business owners not currently planning to sell, we can provide advice to help maximize the value of your company and make it more attractive to potential investors.


We also provide tax strategies and estate planning, to help manage the proceeds from the sale of a business and can help evaluate the tax ramifications of different investment options.

Services we provide include:


• Review of Purchase/Sale Agreement or Letter of Intent to estimate tax and cash from sale


• Modeling estimated gains/ taxes based on various scenarios of a sale or purchase


• Provide advice on ways to reduce or defer tax, both federal and state


• Due diligence assistance on acquisitions and sales


• General business consulting to assist with a future sale


• Provide tax and estate strategies for handling cash proceeds from the sale of a business


The One-Day Note: A Sophisticated Tax Savings Strategy for Seller of Closely-Held Businesses

Whether business owners are acquiring a new company or selling their own, the goal is to walk away from the table in the best tax position possible after the sale. There are few strategies that offer both buyers and sellers the opportunity to walk away from the closing table primed for the best tax position. The “One-Day Note” is one such strategy that sophisticated sellers and their advisors should consider for lasting, financial impact.

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