Get to Know Our Nonprofit Niche

with our industry niche leader, Tracy Morey.

woman volunteering at a foodbank with cans of food in her hand

Our Commitment to the Nonprofit Community

Unlike many other nonprofit accounting firms, Thompson Greenspon has been a part of the Metro DC community for over 65 years and giving back to this community has been a central part of our mission. Since our formation in 1956, the firm’s people-centric focus and dedication to service has not only applied to clients and employees, but to individuals and families who make up the communities in which we do business.


We believe that community service starts at the top, with many of our partners sitting on charitable and nonprofit boards and contributing regularly to programs that help the underprivileged in our society. This background helps us anticipate and offer creative solutions to the challenges the board of directors and management team face each day.


Thompson Greenspon supports many different community programs both through our charitable giving as well as providing our staff with paid time off to participate in company-wide community volunteer programs, or by encouraging them to pursue their own individual causes. For more information about our community involvement and nonprofit support, please visit our In the Community page.

Services Offered

We currently provide the following types of services to
more than 140 nonprofit organizations.

Audits, Reviews, Compilations and Agreed-upon procedures engagements by nonprofit experts for an extra layer of assurance for your management, board, members, and/or donors.

Expert preparation of Form 990, 990T, and 990PF to tell your story to potential donors and meet IRS requirements.

Expert guidance to navigate the challenges and opportunities faced by your nonprofit organization

Let us handle your accounting and bookkeeping services, so you can focus on fulfilling your organization's mission and long-term goals.

Auditing and advising clients on 401(k), 403(b), profit-sharing plans, and ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plans), as well as tax planning and assist with compliance with ERISA, Department of Labor and IRS regulations.

Industry Insights

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Contact Us

Our specialists in accounting for nonprofits have extensive experience in the field and are pleased to offer you personalized service. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.